How to create a new room?
Select Room> Add New on the admin dashboard to create a new room,
- For Location sections, the location of a room would follow the hotel’s location by default. Thus, there is no need to select the location of a room on the list.
- Enter the full address of the room in Room Address
- Select a hotel for this room on Hotel Room
- Enter the available room for booking on the Number of rooms
- Choose the Booking Option to Instant Booking by default
- Instant Booking: Allow the customers book the room immediately with the automatic booking system. They have to provide the necessary information and payment detail. The reservation will be confirmed soon.
- Enquire Booking: Allow the customers submit the request for room availability and price on the Enquiry Form
- Instant & Enquire Booking: Allow the customer book the room immediately or submit their request on the Enquire Form.
- Upload the image of the hotel on Gallery

- Set a room layout displayed on Hotel Room Layout
- Choose the Disable “Adult Name Required “
- On – Not Allowing the Adult Name Required.
- Off- Allow the Adult Name Required
- Choose the Disable “Children Name Required “
- On – Not allowing the Children Name Required.
- Off- Allow the Children Name Required

Room Price
- Set the Price with per person to one of the following:
1.On – Allow to calculate the price per person
- Enter the price of an adult on the Adult Pricing
- Enter the price of children on the Child Pricing

2. Off- Not allowing to calculate the price per person
- Enter the price of the room per night on Pricing

- Set the Allowed full day bookingof this hotel
- On – Booking the room with full day
- Off- Booking the room with a half day
- Add a discount period of the room on Discount By No. Days
- Choose the type of discount to the percentage or fixed cost of each room by the number of days on Discount Type

- Create the additional service cost of a room on Extra Price
- Select the Extra Price Unitby a day or fixed amount of money

- Choose the type of discount to the percentage or fixed cost of each room by the total price for sale on the Discount Type
- Enter the percentage of the Discount Rate
- Select the option of deposits on Deposit Options
- Disallow Deposit- Not Allowing to deposit which is money paid.
- Deposit by percentage – Allow depositing the room by percentage

Room Facility
- Upload the preview of hotel facilities on Room Facility Preview
- Set the Number of Adultsper bedroom
- Set the Number of Childrenper bedroom
- Set the Number of Bedper room

- Enter the Room Footage per square
- Room External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link for booking a room
- On – Allow inserting the external link for booking a room.
- Off- Not Allowing to insert the external link for booking a room

Other facilities
- Add new room facilities on Add new facility
- Writing a room description on Room Description

- Select the date of the calendar to change the room price on the Calendar
- When complete, click Update to finish

Cancel Booking
- Activate the option for customers to choose from cancellation orders.
- Enter the Number of days before the Arrival for the cancel reservation of a room
- Set the Cancellation Fee, the percentage of money that the customer would be deducted if they cancel a reservation of a room

Ical URL
- To import your calendar online, please enter an ical URL and click the import button
Please read our article to know more about importing your calendar online